Built Smart Networks

Built Smart Networks enables commercial real estate (CRE) stakeholders, REITs, landlords, and building management organizations to:

- Dramatically and cost effectively increase business tenant occupancy rates

- Efficiently manage network and property operations

- Introduce new tenant “Smart” building services

- Realize significant operational efficiencies, increased tenant fees and property portfolio valuations

Through the combination of innovative new wireless technologies, advances in software defined networking and in-building gigabit fiber optics, Built Smart Networks delivers a revolutionary 5G ready platform in a reliable Managed Services (CaaS) offering driving significant value to the commercial real estate ecosystem:

Courtesy National Real Estate Investor

CRE Owners and Portfolio Asset Management

Increased building asset valuations through increased Cap Rates

Increased occupancy and revenue flow

CRE digital transformation: CBRS and 5G ready

Active community stakeholder in smart city integration initiatives

CRE Property Management

Higher tenant occupancy

Increased revenue/lease rates

Reduced OpEx , increased Net Operating Income

Increased market competitiveness

Smart services, analytics and building amenities

Increased responsiveness

Public and private space wireless networks

Service Providers and Smart Building Solution Providers

Rapid delivery of services to corporate tenants

More predictable in-building connectivity and service delivery cost s

Wireless and IoT backbone in place for advanced services

New market opportunity for new building and tenant services


Instant Provisioning: Day 1 services availability

Cloud services connectivity for corporate networks

BYOD strategy enabler

Private and public space wireless networks

Increased worker productivity

Talent attraction: Smart workplaces attract top employees

Images:National Real Estate Investor, BuzzFM, Construction Review Online, Arcturis